Package natural-bits-def: Definition of natural number to bit-list conversions
name | natural-bits-def |
version | 1.31 |
description | Definition of natural number to bit-list conversions |
author | Joe Leslie-Hurd <> |
license | MIT |
provenance | HOL Light theory extracted on 2015-04-18 |
checksum | d3b322d91850c4c6fedf840cc18dcc7fb27aca1d |
requires | base probability |
show | Data.Bool Data.List Data.Pair Number.Natural Probability.Random |
- Package tarball natural-bits-def-1.31.tgz
- Theory source file natural-bits-def.thy (included in the package tarball)
Defined Constants
- Number
- Natural
- fromBool
- Bits
- Bits.and
- Bits.append
- Bits.bit
- Bits.bound
- Bits.cons
- Bits.fromList
- Bits.head
- Bits.normalList
- Bits.or
- Bits.shiftLeft
- Bits.shiftRight
- Bits.tail
- Bits.toList
- Bits.toVector
- Bits.width
- Uniform
- Uniform.random
- Uniform.random.loop
- Uniform.random
- Natural
⊦ ∀n. Bits.head n ⇔ odd n
⊦ ∀n. Bits.toVector n 0 = []
⊦ ∀l. Bits.fromList l = Bits.append l 0
⊦ ∀n. Bits.toList n = Bits.toVector n (Bits.width n)
⊦ ∀b. fromBool b = if b then 1 else 0
⊦ ∀n. Bits.tail n = n div 2
⊦ ∀l. Bits.normalList l ⇔ null l ∨ last l
⊦ ∀n i. Bits.bit n i ⇔ Bits.head (Bits.shiftRight n i)
⊦ ∀l n. Bits.append l n = foldr Bits.cons n l
⊦ ∀n k. Bits.bound n k = n mod 2 ↑ k
⊦ ∀n k. Bits.shiftLeft n k = 2 ↑ k * n
⊦ ∀n k. Bits.shiftRight n k = n div 2 ↑ k
⊦ ∀h t. Bits.cons h t = fromBool h + 2 * t
⊦ ∀n k.
Bits.toVector n (suc k) = Bits.head n :: Bits.toVector (Bits.tail n) k
⊦ ∀n r.
Uniform.random n r =
let w ← Bits.width (n - 1) in Uniform.random.loop n w r
⊦ ∀q m n. q m n ⇔ if q then m ≤ n else m < n
⊦ ∀n. Bits.width n = if n = 0 then 0 else log 2 n + 1
⊦ ∀m n.
Bits.and m n =
(map (λi. Bits.bit m i ∧ Bits.bit n i)
(interval 0 (min (Bits.width m) (Bits.width n))))
⊦ ∀m n.
Bits.or m n =
(map (λi. Bits.bit m i ∨ Bits.bit n i)
(interval 0 (max (Bits.width m) (Bits.width n))))
⊦ ∀n w r.
Uniform.random.loop n w r =
let (r1, r2) ← split r in
let l ← bits w r1 in
let m ← Bits.fromList l in
if m < n then m else Uniform.random.loop n w r2
External Type Operators
- →
- bool
- Data
- List
- list
- Pair
- ×
- List
- Number
- Natural
- natural
- Natural
- Probability
- Random
- random
- Random
External Constants
- =
- select
- Data
- Bool
- ∀
- ∧
- ⇒
- ∃
- ∃!
- ∨
- ¬
- cond
- ⊥
- ⊤
- List
- ::
- []
- foldr
- interval
- last
- map
- null
- Pair
- ,
- Bool
- Number
- Natural
- *
- +
- -
- <
- ≤
- ↑
- bit0
- bit1
- div
- log
- max
- min
- mod
- odd
- suc
- zero
- Natural
- Probability
- Random
- bits
- split
- Random
⊦ ⊤
⊦ ¬⊥ ⇔ ⊤
⊦ ¬⊤ ⇔ ⊥
⊦ (∃) = λp. p ((select) p)
⊦ ∀t. (λx. t x) = t
⊦ (∀) = λp. p = λx. ⊤
⊦ ∀t. t ⇒ ⊤ ⇔ ⊤
⊦ (⇒) = λp q. p ∧ q ⇔ p
⊦ ∀t. (t ⇔ ⊤) ∨ (t ⇔ ⊥)
⊦ ∀t1 t2. (if ⊥ then t1 else t2) = t2
⊦ ∀t1 t2. (if ⊤ then t1 else t2) = t1
⊦ ∀p x. p x ⇒ p ((select) p)
⊦ ∀x. ∃a b. x = (a, b)
⊦ (∧) = λp q. (λf. f p q) = λf. f ⊤ ⊤
⊦ (∃) = λp. ∀q. (∀x. p x ⇒ q) ⇒ q
⊦ (∨) = λp q. ∀r. (p ⇒ r) ⇒ (q ⇒ r) ⇒ r
⊦ ∀f. ∃fn. ∀a b. fn (a, b) = f a b
⊦ ∀r. (∀x. ∃y. r x y) ⇔ ∃f. ∀x. r x (f x)
⊦ (∃!) = λp. (∃) p ∧ ∀x y. p x ∧ p y ⇒ x = y
⊦ ∀p g h. ∃f. ∀x. f x = if p x then f (g x) else h x
⊦ ∀e f. ∃!fn. fn 0 = e ∧ ∀n. fn (suc n) = f (fn n) n